The Proposals
- Approximately 30 new dwellings to be secured as affordable housing in a new neighbourhood designed for modern family living.
- Public open space comprising a green network for people to enjoy, enhancing landscape and ecology benefits.
- Sustainable and connected pedestrian permeability including enhanced public routes and cycleways.
Our vision is to create a well-connected, vibrant and sustainable new community on the southern edge of Glen Parva. With proposals that positively responds to their local setting, bring forward development that provides high quality new homes catering for modern family living, with ecological benefits and high quality public open space that’s closely linked to its landscape setting, all combining to create a new community to be enjoyed by all.
- Provision for approximately 0.67 hectares net developable area for of residential development within a new and enhanced landscaped setting;
- A dedicated vehicular access proposed off Little Glen Road;
- Dedicated routes through the development, including an enhanced setting for the existing PROW, allowing for high quality pedestrian and cyclist permeability;
- Provision of outward-facing development parcels ensuring visual interest and high levels of natural surveillance of the public realm;
- Provision for a local area of play within the landscaped public open space;
- The southern portion of the Site to be designed as a green buffer to the River Sence and a multifunctional area of green space for biodiversity and recreational benefits. This could include new species rich grassland (wildflower meadows), informal paths and a series of tree groups, woodland edge (scrub) and individual trees. This would create a naturalistic area of green space to assist with biodiversity gains and informal recreation.
- New planting, together with hedges and trees on edge of the built development to reinforce the existing landscape fabric of trees and hedges within the Sence valley. Planting would create series of overlapping screening effects to ‘soften’ views of new development when viewed from Blaby and from the local footpaths.
- Compliance with current biodiversity net gain legislation, through enhancing biodiversity on site and offsetting mitigation measures as necessary; and
- New dwellings to be of a design and style in-keeping with the local area’s urban form, materiality and local character.